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Writing an argumentative essay on a horror film is interesting. You get to watch a movie and give your honest opinions about it. This sounds easy in theory but it’s tricky to pull off in practice.

This is why many students turn to the internet and type “write my essay for me free” to find someone from a professional academic writing service like CustomWritings who will produce customized papers in more than 80 disciplines. Many students don’t know where to begin when they have a blank paper looking at them in the face.

The key is to be well organized and that’s half the war won. The other half involves following a few simple tips.

Watch the horror film you are about to write about
To give yourself the best possible chance of producing good content, you must first watch the movie. This will give you a visual representation of the characters, the story, any plot twists, the music, supporting acts, camera angles and more.

If you write an argumentative essay without watching the movie beforehand, it is like the blind leading the blind. It will not go well because you will be clueless and won’t know where to start. Never skip this tip because it is very important.

Write the introduction
The introduction of this essay should touch on a few key information about the movie without giving away any spoilers. This includes the name of the director, the title of the film, when it was released and the actors.

It is all about giving the readers a brief background of the movie. To paint a clearer picture, it is wide to do some background research on the budget of the film and the person who directed it. Also in the introduction, make sure you touch on the concept of the movie a bit and give the readers a reason why this movie came to life.

Never be shy to express yourself because that is the only way to add authenticity to your work. In the closing part of your introduction, you should add a thesis. This is a simple statement that explains what your essay will focus on.

Summarise the essay 
Once you have given the readers the facts about the movie in the introduction, you need to analyze it and summarise it. The key to writing a good summary is to assume that the reader which in this case is the tutor, has not watched the movie themselves.

This means you will write everything about the film to the last detail without leaving anything out. You need to cover what is known as the 5 Ws. These are where, who, when, why, what as well as how.

You can also talk about the style you used, the structure as well as anything to do with your opinion. Never forget to support your arguments with quotes from the movie otherwise it will not come across authentic.

Deeply analyze the film
This is the heartbeat of the essay and where you need to make an impression on the reader. Movies can be complicated however, they do have things that connect.

* Scenes – It is all about the script at the end of the day and everyone loves a compelling script. It flashes out the characters and gives you a reason to care for them as well as present events in a logical way. These are things you should look at when writing an argumentative essay on horror films. If you are having trouble understanding some of the scenes or things that look all over the place, it means the script is poor.

* The director – The brains behind the operation are the director and they are there to make sure that things on the script are well-acted and captured. When writing this essay pay close attention to how scenes were brought to life and compare them with some of the director’s previous work. It helps you understand their method of directing and how they have evolved over the years.

* The actors – The cast is something you need to pay attention to as well and they bring the magic on paper to life on screen. When you are watching the movie, watch the actors closely. Is the acting convincing and are they conveying the message the movie is trying to tell?
Music – Music in movies is important because it adds immersion and enhances certain scenes especially the jump scares in horror movies. The main thing you have to judge the music on is, does it distract you from what’s happening on screen or does it support the action?

* Visuals – You have to pay close attention to the makeup on the actors, their outfits, any special effects as well as the impact of the movie.  A movie with good visuals always leaves a good impression on viewers while awful visuals put people off

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