Director David Gordon Green’s upcoming sequel Halloween Kills will feature the return of several familiar characters from the Halloween franchise, many played by their original actors. The exception is Tommy Doyle, a character originally played by Brian Andrews in 1978’s Halloween before Paul Rudd took over the reins in 1995’s Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers.
While neither actor will be playing Doyle in Halloween Kills, Total Film recently revealed that Rudd was approached by Green to reprise the role, but scheduling issues prevented him from doing so. The role instead went to Anthony Michael Hall, who says Rudd passed on a message to him a few weeks into production.
“I admire Paul’s work a lot, so he gave me his blessing on the film, which was nice of him to do,” Hall says. “But my take [on the character] is quite separate.”
As revealed in Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, Tommy Doyle became obsessed with Michael Myers in the years following his encounter with the boogeyman. While Green’s Halloween trilogy is almost entirely divorced from the continuity of the later films in the original franchise, it appears from the Halloween Kills trailer that Doyle is more than ready to help the Strode women hunt Myers down and put a stop to the bloodshed once and for all.
Words: Samantha McLaren (@themeatispeople)