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If you are a lover of horror movies then it is likely that while watching, you’ve had thoughts about what you would do differently. Maybe those thoughts stayed on your mind as you slowly start to dream about creating your own scary film. Maybe it is just a pipe dream or maybe you have the whole story dreamed up in your head. Regardless, making a film can seem like an impossible task, but luckily for aspiring horror movie makers, horror films are the most suited to first time low budget projects. This guide is here to help you understand why making your own horror movie is not only less difficult than you might have once suspected – but it is a very good idea.

1. You Can Make Horror Films Surprisingly Cheaply
You do not need big name actors or expensive locations to make a horror film – instead, you can make the most of friends and resources you already have to compile the cast, crew and locations. There are also a lot of financing options available to you. You could take out a short term loan to hire some equipment, or you could publish the film concept online and start a crowd funding page.

2. The Horror Genre Suits Low-Budget Films
If you don’t have the money or experience to product a big budget professional film, it doesn’t matter. Some of the most successful horror films in history have taken on DIY techniques, these can make the mood of the film more authentic and gripping. Just look at the Blair Witch Project, which according to Screen Rant is one of the top 10 highest grossing indie movies of all time. It not only used low-budget filming techniques (i.e., found footage) but also low-budget marketing – it was the first widely released film marketed primarily on the internet.

3. Finding Your Audience Is Easier Now Than Ever
Because there are already dozens of publications, events and online groups catering to all things horror, you don’t need to search too hard to find your audience. This means that it is easier than ever to do market research and to find horror trends. You can even work backwards – the trends can inform your story line and help you to create a horror film that is more likely to become a cult favourite. Spending time reading up on the horror fan community is also a great way to learn more about what people value and appreciate in horror films – information that can prove invaluable when making your movie.

4. Gain a Greater Appreciation for the Genre
Some people dream of creating their own horror film with the aim of creating a blockbuster, but for most it is about the creative experience itself. Putting aside the end product of the time being, creating your own horror film is just a great experience for horror lovers to have. It gives you a greater appreciation and understanding of the genre as a whole and is a great learning experience if you dream of doing future projects that aren’t directly horror related.

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