The original horror/action/comedy follows Buffy Summers (Kristy Swanson), a seemingly shallow Valley Girl cheerleader whose main concerns are shopping and boys. One day at school, Buffy is informed by a stranger named Merrick (Donald Sutherland) that she is “the Slayer,” the latest in a line of vampire killers and she has been recruited to stop a band of bloodsuckers that has infiltrated Los Angeles. Joss Whedon’s introductory entry in his acclaimed franchise co-stars Luke Perry, Rutger Hauer, and Paul Reubens. 85 min. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English DTS HD 7.1 Master Audio, Dolby Digital stereo, French DTS 5.1, Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1; Subtitles: English (SDH), French, Spanish; featurette.
Luke Perry Rutger Hauer Kristy Swanson Donald Sutherland Paul Reubens Joss Whedon
Kaz Kuzui Zvi Howard Rosenman
Director: | Fran Rubel Kuzui |
Studio: | 20th Century Fox |
Release Date: | 10/3/2017 |
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