Ghost Story


Chilling adaptation of Peter Straub’s novel stars Fred Astaire, John Houseman, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Melvyn Douglas as four old friends whose annual gathering is interrupted by an uninvited guest─the ghastly apparition of a woman they accidentally killed 50 years earlier.

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Chilling adaptation of Peter Straub’s novel stars Fred Astaire, John Houseman, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Melvyn Douglas as four old friends whose annual gathering is interrupted by an uninvited guest─the ghastly apparition of a woman they accidentally killed 50 years earlier. Alice Krige and Craig Wasson also star in this classic horror tale that would be the last feature film for Astaire, Fairbanks, and Douglas. 110 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital stereo; Subtitles: French, Spanish.

Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Fred Astaire Melvyn Douglas Douglas Fairbanks Jr. John Houseman Craig Wasson Lance Helcomb Larry Cohen Lawrence D. Cohen Michael O’Neill Peter Straub Russell Bletzer Alice Krige Jacqueline Brookes Patricia Neal Miguel Fernandes Mark Chamberlin Tim Choate Kurt Johnson Ken Olin Brad Sullivan Guy Boyd Robert Burr Helena Carroll Robin Curtis Breon Gorman James Greene Deborah Offner


Burt Weissbourd


Director: John Irvin
Studio: Universal Studios
Release Date: 9/7/2004

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